Saturday, June 11, 2011

30 Tips in Studying Effectively

1. Keep your beloved pet nearby to encourage you- your cat's purrs or pet goldfish swimming around can comfort you while you're stressed out.

2. Learn a new hobby - New skills pump up your brain, making it more open to soak up new info in class too.

3. Arrange your work - make you're comfortable and your area is well-lit

4. Pace yourself - Don't tire yourself out to the point where you are no longer doing a good job. When the words start to blur and you're reading the same sentence twice without understanding it , stop studying for the day .

5. Make a detailed To do List each day. Make sure you finish everything on your list. This will help you manage your time wisely, plus you'll get more homework done when you're organized.

6. Turn off your cell phone and TV when studying - Remove all distractions and reward yourself after.

7. Write out a summary of your lessons before a big quiz - It will be easier for you to review everything.

8. Recite your notes in front of a mirror to prep for a school presentation or report the next day. Practicing your hand gestures and facial expressions beforehand will help a lot and boost your confidence.

9. You can improve your memory powers - During your free time, try memory-enhancing mini-games like reciting what your siblings were wearing after they walk past or what you has for breakfast the day before.

10. When eating out with friends - offer to calculate the bill and distribute the total amongst your friends- instant math review.

11. In class, answer in complete sentences, not in two or three words. This will help you organize your thoughts and your teacher will appreciate your formal recitation style.

12. Pump yourself before reviewing with a little trinket or treat- Things as simple as wearing your favorite ring or a new pen and stationery can motivate you to start studying.

13. Ask your lolo or lola about their story. Their personal tidbits will give you an exciting view on Philippine history plus it won't be as boring as reading from your textbook.

14. Try fun, educational puzzles or quizzes like Trivia or crossword puzzles. They're entertaining. Plus they'll give you brain a better workout than comics or video games.

15. Assign a day with your barkada to converse entirely in English, or Filipino. This activity will help develop your grammar and composition for both English and Filipino subjects.

16. Keep snacks nearby to give you tiny bursts of energy while you study. Healthy snacks like raisins, dried fruit, small crackers, berries, cookies are all helpful in keeping you alert and motivated to study.

17. Take Breaks - After each hour, take a five minute break(no more ) and do something physically active to make your mind alert.

18. Raise your hand- when there are parts in the lesson you don't understand. No one knows all the answer.

19. Greens and blues are found to relax your brain, while dreary colors tend to make you sleepy. Try decorating your desk with colors to keep you peppy.

20. Be confident. Have a mantra to prevent panicking before a big exam. Think thoughts like " I know I can " to ease your nerves and take the exam with a full heart.

21. Have something to look forward to - for example if you finish your homework, you can reward yourself with your fave snacks after.

22. Use mnemonics or memory-helping tricks- just turn a hard idea or word into an easy to remember sing, story, or saying.

23. Make it a habit to visit the library . Having others around you can motivate you to concentrate on reviewing, plus if you need extra info, you can just consult the mountain of books around you .

24. Make flash cards - They will help you organized important points, plus they're easy to use for last minute reviews before an exam. You can even bring them with you anywhere.

25. Have a study with your pal - Plan a special session with those who are good at subject you find hard.

26. Make sure everything you need is close to you- so you don't have to get up and start looking for a calculator or eraser every ten minutes.

27. Take your vitamins daily. Not only will they supply you with much needed nutrients they'll help you not to get sick, which may result in absences and missed lessons.

28. Try having a mock test with your friends- You'll probably stumble on questions your teacher may use later on actual tests.

29. Read ahead - Just because your teacher assigned  you to read Chapter 1, doesn't mean you can;t go ahead to Chapter 2. You'll find it easier to remember facts when you repeat information especially for hard topics.

30. Keep a positive attitude- don't get frustrated when you can't get an equation right. Keep trying and don't give up

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